Veteran on hunger strike taken ill

One of the seven former army reservists on a hunger strike in front of the government building has fallen ill today.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 24.09.2008.


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One of the seven former army reservists on a hunger strike in front of the government building has fallen ill today. The protesting veteran has been taken to the emergency center for treatment. Veteran on hunger strike taken ill The leader of the Krusevo reservists Velimir Milosevic told the Tanjug news agency that two of the reservists received shots but refused to be hospitalized. The seven have been on a hunger strike for six days, because the government has failed to come up with a concrete decisions regarding the demand to have their overdue war wages paid. The reservists want the daily wages to be paid in the way in which the last government approved funds for their fellow army veterans from Toplicki disctrict. They served in the Yugoslav Army (VJ) during the 1999, to only this year received an average of RSD 200,000 (about EUR 2,666) in six monthly installments.

Veteran on hunger strike taken ill

The leader of the Kruševo reservists Velimir Milošević told the Tanjug news agency that two of the reservists received shots but refused to be hospitalized.

The seven have been on a hunger strike for six days, because the government has failed to come up with a concrete decisions regarding the demand to have their overdue war wages paid.

The reservists want the daily wages to be paid in the way in which the last government approved funds for their fellow army veterans from Toplički disctrict.

They served in the Yugoslav Army (VJ) during the 1999, to only this year received an average of RSD 200,000 (about EUR 2,666) in six monthly installments.

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