Measures in place to counter bird flu outbreak

The Veterinary Department adopted a directive two days ago for the suppression of avian flu.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 01.12.2007.


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The Veterinary Department adopted a directive two days ago for the suppression of avian flu. The measures include a ban on the import and transportation of deliveries of livestock from Romania to Serbia, announced the Agriculture Ministry. Measures in place to counter bird flu outbreak “The import and transportation of deliveries from Romania containing food, products and waste originating from livestock, exotic birds, and wild birds have been banned, while the measures also apply to canned food manufactured from the same animals in sealed packaging that has, during its production, undergone thermal treatment,” read a statement. According to the Veterinary Department, it is forbidden to keep livestock in open spaces next to ponds, streams, rivers and lakes, while active monitoring has been ordered in facilities where livestock are accommodated and treated. Another outbreak of avian flu was confirmed yesterday at a farm in the village of Murigiol in Romania, Romanian Realitatea TV reported.

Measures in place to counter bird flu outbreak

“The import and transportation of deliveries from Romania containing food, products and waste originating from livestock, exotic birds, and wild birds have been banned, while the measures also apply to canned food manufactured from the same animals in sealed packaging that has, during its production, undergone thermal treatment,” read a statement.

According to the Veterinary Department, it is forbidden to keep livestock in open spaces next to ponds, streams, rivers and lakes, while active monitoring has been ordered in facilities where livestock are accommodated and treated.

Another outbreak of avian flu was confirmed yesterday at a farm in the village of Murigiol in Romania, Romanian Realitatea TV reported.

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