Zagreb protests over Italian stamp

Zagreb has sent a demarche to Rome over a postal stamp depicting Rijeka.

Izvor: FoNet

Thursday, 13.12.2007.


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Zagreb has sent a demarche to Rome over a postal stamp depicting Rijeka. Under the picture of the Croatian coastal city, a caption reads “The eastern land that used to be Italian.” Zagreb protests over Italian stamp The Croatian Interior and European Integration Ministry has sent a letter of protest to Italy stating that they had learned in October of the preparations for issuing the stamp and had immediately informed Italy that the content was unacceptable. Italy stated that it would not issue the stamp following receipt of the protest letter, according to a statement from the Croatian Ministry. The protest note states that Croatia is surprised by the issue of the stamp, adding that the move was inappropriate and goes against the spirit of good neighborly relations and friendship. The Italian Foreign Ministry was asked to once again inform the Italian government of Croatia’s views and to undertake adequate measures to prevent further distribution of the stamp.

Zagreb protests over Italian stamp

The Croatian Interior and European Integration Ministry has sent a letter of protest to Italy stating that they had learned in October of the preparations for issuing the stamp and had immediately informed Italy that the content was unacceptable.

Italy stated that it would not issue the stamp following receipt of the protest letter, according to a statement from the Croatian Ministry.

The protest note states that Croatia is surprised by the issue of the stamp, adding that the move was inappropriate and goes against the spirit of good neighborly relations and friendship.

The Italian Foreign Ministry was asked to once again inform the Italian government of Croatia’s views and to undertake adequate measures to prevent further distribution of the stamp.

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