Serbians choose new parliament, president, local govts
The Serbian citizens are on Sunday voting in parliamentary, presidential, provincial and local elections.
Sunday, 06.05.2012.

The Serbian citizens are on Sunday voting in parliamentary, presidential, provincial and local elections. 18 lists are standing for elections, hoping to win more seats in the ninth convocation of the Serbian parliament since the introduction of multi-party system. Twelve candidates are running in Serbia's tenth presidential elections. Serbians choose new parliament, president, local govts During the election day, 6,770,013 eligible voters will have an opportunity to cast their ballot at 8,390 polling stations in the country and abroad. see more photos from the polling stations When it comes to the presidential election, citizens will be able to vote for Zoran Stankovic (United Regions of Serbia), Vladan Glisic (Dveri), Boris Tadic (Choice for a Better Life), Vojislav Kostunica (Democratic Party of Serbia), Zoran Dragisic (Movement of Workers and Peasants), Jadranka Seselj (Serb Radical Party), Muamer Zukorlic (Group of Citizens), Danica Grujicic (Social Democratic Alliance), Ivica Dacic (Socialist Party of Serbia-Party of United Pensioners of Serbia-United Serbia), Cedomir Jovanovic (U-Turn), Istvan Pastor (Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians) and Tomislav Nikolic (Let's Get Serbia Moving). The first one on the ballot is the list Democratic Party-led coalition, the second is the Serb Radical Party, the third the United Regions of Serbia - Mladjan Dinkic, the fourth is the U-turn coalition led by the Liberal Democratic Party, the fifth the coalition Let's Get Serbia Moving led by the Serbian Progressive Party and the sixth the Democratic Party of Serbia. The list of the coalition between the Socialist Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia and United Serbia is the sevetn on the ballot. Dveri for a Better Life is the eighth, followed by the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians. The Reform Party - Milan Visnjic is placed the tenth and Sulejman Ugljanin's Sandzak Party of Democratic Action is the 11th. The Movement of Workers and Peasants is the 12th option on the ballot, the Social Democratic Alliance - Nebojsa Lekovic the 13th and the coalition All Together: BDZ, GSM, DZH, DZVM - Emir Elfic is placed the 14th. The Coalition of Albanians of the Presevo Valley is listed 15th on the ballot, the Montenegrin Party the 16th, the Communist Party -Josip Broz the 17th, while the final option is reserved for the party None of the Above. The citizens residing in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are also voting for the next convocation of the provincial assembly. There are 120 seats in the assembly and 14 candidate lists are running for them. Finally, 16 lists are standing for election in Belgrade. There are 110 seats at the Belgrade City Assembly. Serbian citizens living in 22 countries can vote at 38 polling stations, while those living in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain already voted on Saturday. Serbian citizens in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Italy, South Africa, Cyprus, Libya, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Germany, Slovenia, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Switzerland will vote between 7:00 and 20:00 local time on Sunday. Tanjug
Serbians choose new parliament, president, local govts
During the election day, 6,770,013 eligible voters will have an opportunity to cast their ballot at 8,390 polling stations in the country and abroad.see more photos from the polling stations
When it comes to the presidential election, citizens will be able to vote for Zoran Stanković (United Regions of Serbia), Vladan Glišić (Dveri), Boris Tadić (Choice for a Better Life), Vojislav Koštunica (Democratic Party of Serbia), Zoran Dragišić (Movement of Workers and Peasants), Jadranka Šešelj (Serb Radical Party), Muamer Zukorlić (Group of Citizens), Danica Grujičić (Social Democratic Alliance), Ivica Dačić (Socialist Party of Serbia-Party of United Pensioners of Serbia-United Serbia), Čedomir Jovanović (U-Turn), Ištvan Pastor (Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians) and Tomislav Nikolić (Let's Get Serbia Moving).
The first one on the ballot is the list Democratic Party-led coalition, the second is the Serb Radical Party, the third the United Regions of Serbia - Mlađan Dinkić, the fourth is the U-turn coalition led by the Liberal Democratic Party, the fifth the coalition Let's Get Serbia Moving led by the Serbian Progressive Party and the sixth the Democratic Party of Serbia.
The list of the coalition between the Socialist Party of Serbia, Party of United Pensioners of Serbia and United Serbia is the sevetn on the ballot. Dveri for a Better Life is the eighth, followed by the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians. The Reform Party - Milan Višnjić is placed the tenth and Sulejman Ugljanin's Sandzak Party of Democratic Action is the 11th.
The Movement of Workers and Peasants is the 12th option on the ballot, the Social Democratic Alliance - Nebojsa Lekovic the 13th and the coalition All Together: BDZ, GSM, DZH, DZVM - Emir Elfić is placed the 14th.
The Coalition of Albanians of the Preševo Valley is listed 15th on the ballot, the Montenegrin Party the 16th, the Communist Party -Josip Broz the 17th, while the final option is reserved for the party None of the Above.
The citizens residing in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are also voting for the next convocation of the provincial assembly. There are 120 seats in the assembly and 14 candidate lists are running for them.
Finally, 16 lists are standing for election in Belgrade. There are 110 seats at the Belgrade City Assembly.
Serbian citizens living in 22 countries can vote at 38 polling stations, while those living in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain already voted on Saturday.
Serbian citizens in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Italy, South Africa, Cyprus, Libya, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Germany, Slovenia, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Switzerland will vote between 7:00 and 20:00 local time on Sunday.
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