Valley Albanians likely won't boycott vote

Two ethnic Albanian parties in the Preševo Valley have called on voters to turn out for the presidential elections.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 25.12.2007.


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Two ethnic Albanian parties in the Presevo Valley have called on voters to turn out for the presidential elections. The Democratic Union of the Valley president Skender Destani thus today joined the Party of Democratic Action, led by Serbian lawmaker Riza Halimi. Valley Albanians likely won't boycott vote Destani told Beta that although the party presidency is yet to meet, it is highly likely that the decision will be not to boycott the upcoming Serbian presidential vote. "We will call on citizens to take part in these elections, but since none of the candidates engaged himself in solving the regional issues here, we have no means to motivate them to turn out and vote," he said. During the last presidential elections in the summer of 2004, despite similar calls from the local Albanian parties, less than two percent of eligible citizens voted.

Valley Albanians likely won't boycott vote

Destani told Beta that although the party presidency is yet to meet, it is highly likely that the decision will be not to boycott the upcoming Serbian presidential vote.

"We will call on citizens to take part in these elections, but since none of the candidates engaged himself in solving the regional issues here, we have no means to motivate them to turn out and vote," he said.

During the last presidential elections in the summer of 2004, despite similar calls from the local Albanian parties, less than two percent of eligible citizens voted.

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