Kosovo preamble in new constitution

The Serbian Government has adopted a decision to add its stance on Kosovo to the new Serbian Constitution.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 14.09.2006.


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Kosovo preamble in new constitution

The adopted preamble states: Kosovo is a part of Serbia and has essential autonomy within the framework of the sovereign state of Serbia.

From this position on Kosovo there will be constitutional obligations of all state institutions to  support and protect Serbian interests in Kosovo in all internal and foreign political relations.

The proposal for adding this preamble to the constitution has been forwarded to the parliament.

This decision comes one day after the UN Security Council discussed Kosovo. 

Kosovo officials stated that the intentions to define Kosovo’s essential autonomy in the new constitution have no foundation and cannot be taken as a serious move in a moment when the Kosovo status talks are still ongoing.

Albanian negotiating team official Skender Hiseni said that the negotiation process is in progress and that it will be finished by the end of the year, adding that the Serbian Constitution will not determine the status of Kosovo.

“Kosovo finds itself on the path to finding a status solution, which will happen by the end of the year at the latest. At a meeting with Ahtisaari we saw that he was convinced that the process would be completed by the end of the year. That is why Serbia’s stances do not deserve any comments.” Hiseni said.

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