DSS: Prelude to new elections

The local elections in Zemun and Voždovac ought to be a prelude to elections at all levels, says Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) leader Vojislav Koštunica.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 03.06.2009.


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The local elections in Zemun and Vozdovac ought to be a prelude to elections at all levels, says Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) leader Vojislav Kostunica. Speaking at a final convention for the DSS-New Serbia-National Party coalition, Kostunica said that the rot had to be stopped in Serbia, and called on citizens to vote for his coalition on June 7. DSS: Prelude to new elections The DSS leader said that while he had led the government, the country had enjoyed economic growth, higher salaries and pensions, a state-building policy had been pursued towards Kosovo, and Serbia had declared military neutrality. “The devastation of Serbia must be stopped,” stressed Kostunica. “We can safely say that the last year since the formation of the government has been a year eaten away by the locusts, eaten away by them. They've been laying waste to Serbia for a year—economically, morally and spiritually. Nothing was sacred to this government, everything that was done for Serbia’s well-being in the previous years has gone down the drain in the space of a year,” he said. New Serbia leader Velimir Ilic said that results so far were the best reference for councilors on his coalition’s list, adding that he was a man who kept his promises. By contrast, the current powers-that-be had been full of big talk, but had failed to do anything tangible, he said. “China’s coming to build a bridge in Zemun. Someone from abroad will come to sort out the sewage. [Belgrade Mayor Dragan] Djilas is having his photo taken, making promises, planting the odd tree. If me and Voja hadn’t left them that bypass for them all to have their photo ops, they’d have nowhere to go out,” Ilic joked. “These elections really are big, but for the citizens of Vozdovac and Zemun, and nobody else. We’re going to offer the best we have, to show them that if they choose us, we can improve their standard of living,” said National Party leader Maja Gojkovic. Sinisa Kovacevic, who heads the coalition’s list in Zemun, said that it was time for locals to entrust the Belgrade suburb to people who kept their word and had the energy to conduct big changes. Kovacevic reiterated that both Zemun and Vozdovac needed new investment, new jobs, more childcare. Vojisalav Kostunica (FoNet, archive)

DSS: Prelude to new elections

The DSS leader said that while he had led the government, the country had enjoyed economic growth, higher salaries and pensions, a state-building policy had been pursued towards Kosovo, and Serbia had declared military neutrality.

“The devastation of Serbia must be stopped,” stressed Koštunica.

“We can safely say that the last year since the formation of the government has been a year eaten away by the locusts, eaten away by them. They've been laying waste to Serbia for a year—economically, morally and spiritually. Nothing was sacred to this government, everything that was done for Serbia’s well-being in the previous years has gone down the drain in the space of a year,” he said.

New Serbia leader Velimir Ilić said that results so far were the best reference for councilors on his coalition’s list, adding that he was a man who kept his promises.

By contrast, the current powers-that-be had been full of big talk, but had failed to do anything tangible, he said.

“China’s coming to build a bridge in Zemun. Someone from abroad will come to sort out the sewage. [Belgrade Mayor Dragan] Đilas is having his photo taken, making promises, planting the odd tree. If me and Voja hadn’t left them that bypass for them all to have their photo ops, they’d have nowhere to go out,” Ilić joked.

“These elections really are big, but for the citizens of Voždovac and Zemun, and nobody else. We’re going to offer the best we have, to show them that if they choose us, we can improve their standard of living,” said National Party leader Maja Gojković.

Siniša Kovačević, who heads the coalition’s list in Zemun, said that it was time for locals to entrust the Belgrade suburb to people who kept their word and had the energy to conduct big changes.

Kovačević reiterated that both Zemun and Voždovac needed new investment, new jobs, more childcare.

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