IM meets with Austrian police official

Interior Minister Ivica Dačić met with Austrian Federal Criminal Police Director Franz Lang in Salzburg on the Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank scandal.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 29.08.2010.


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Interior Minister Ivica Dacic met with Austrian Federal Criminal Police Director Franz Lang in Salzburg on the Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank scandal. He expressed the readiness of the Serbian police to take part in the investigation. IM meets with Austrian police official Dacic underlined the fact that cooperation between the Serbian and the Austrian police and between the two interior ministries has been excellent. “We have had a number of very important police actions and created a high level of trust,” said Dacic, who is participating in the Salzburg Forum ministerial conference on police partnerships in Southeastern Europe. Lang stated that the Serbo-Austrian cooperation has been very close in ties, and expressed hope that it would be fostered in the future, along with the mutual trust that exists between the Serbian and the Austrian police, according to a statement issued. Ivica Dacic (FoNet archive)

IM meets with Austrian police official

Dačić underlined the fact that cooperation between the Serbian and the Austrian police and between the two interior ministries has been excellent.

“We have had a number of very important police actions and created a high level of trust,” said Dačić, who is participating in the Salzburg Forum ministerial conference on police partnerships in Southeastern Europe.

Lang stated that the Serbo-Austrian cooperation has been very close in ties, and expressed hope that it would be fostered in the future, along with the mutual trust that exists between the Serbian and the Austrian police, according to a statement issued.

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