Gangster won't fight extradition

Zemun Clan member Sretko Kalinić will not appeal Croatia's decision to extradite him to Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 14.08.2010.


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Zemun Clan member Sretko Kalinic will not appeal Croatia's decision to extradite him to Serbia. The member of the notorious crime group will thus become the first Croatian citizen to be extradited to another state. Gangster won't fight extradition This was confirmed in Zagreb on Friday by the County Court's spokesman Kresimir Devcic, who added that the extradition will commence after Croatia's Justice Minister puts his signature on the decision. A few days ago, the court's extra-trial chamber decided on Kalinic's extradition to Serbia. In Serbia, Kalinic was sentenced in absentia in two separate trials to a total of 70 years in prison, for his involvement in the 2003 murder of Zoran Djinidjic, and 19 other murders and serious crimes. Serbian Justice Minister Snezana Malovic on Friday expressed her confidence that Croatia's Justice Minister Drazen Bosnjakovic will soon make a final decision on the extradition of Sretko Kalinic to Serbia. “This is the first example of a very good cooperation between Serbia and Croatia, which confirms the importance of the recently signed agreement and the position stated that the two countries will not be havens for gangsters,” Malovic told Tanjug. The minister stressed that she expects the cooperation to be stepped up and that some other people will also soon be extradited.

Gangster won't fight extradition

This was confirmed in Zagreb on Friday by the County Court's spokesman Krešimir Devčić, who added that the extradition will commence after Croatia's Justice Minister puts his signature on the decision.

A few days ago, the court's extra-trial chamber decided on Kalinić's extradition to Serbia.

In Serbia, Kalinić was sentenced in absentia in two separate trials to a total of 70 years in prison, for his involvement in the 2003 murder of Zoran Điniđić, and 19 other murders and serious crimes.

Serbian Justice Minister Snežana Malović on Friday expressed her confidence that Croatia's Justice Minister Dražen Bošnjaković will soon make a final decision on the extradition of Sretko Kalinić to Serbia.

“This is the first example of a very good cooperation between Serbia and Croatia, which confirms the importance of the recently signed agreement and the position stated that the two countries will not be havens for gangsters,” Malovic told Tanjug.

The minister stressed that she expects the cooperation to be stepped up and that some other people will also soon be extradited.

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