Tourists spot drug lord in Montenegro

A group of Serbian tourists have reported seeing Darko Šarić on a regional road in northern Montenegro.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Thursday, 12.08.2010.


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A group of Serbian tourists have reported seeing Darko Saric on a regional road in northern Montenegro. Investigators were told that Saric was seen in his Mercedes at a crossroads near the town of Zabljak, Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti writes. Tourists spot drug lord in Montenegro The fugitive, who is originally from northern Montenegro, but has traveled on a Serbian passport since the mid-2000s, is wanted in Serbia on suspicion that he tried to organize a massive shipment of cocaine from South America in 2008. The tourists said Saric was "clean shaven, with cropped hair, wearing a white shirt with blue and red stripes", and driving a Mercedes with license plates reading just the name of a local auto shop. "He realized we had recognized him, and instantly rolled up the window of his luxury vehicle and ran a red light to speed toward Savnik," one of the tourists was quoted as saying. The tourists claim that all this took place on July 28, at 13:40 CET, on the Savnik-Zabljak regional road. The daily writes that this is "yet another in a series of confirmations that investigators had received about the movements of the man from Interpol's red arrest warrant". A file photo of Darko Saric

Tourists spot drug lord in Montenegro

The fugitive, who is originally from northern Montenegro, but has traveled on a Serbian passport since the mid-2000s, is wanted in Serbia on suspicion that he tried to organize a massive shipment of cocaine from South America in 2008.

The tourists said Šarić was "clean shaven, with cropped hair, wearing a white shirt with blue and red stripes", and driving a Mercedes with license plates reading just the name of a local auto shop.

"He realized we had recognized him, and instantly rolled up the window of his luxury vehicle and ran a red light to speed toward Šavnik," one of the tourists was quoted as saying.

The tourists claim that all this took place on July 28, at 13:40 CET, on the Šavnik-Žabljak regional road.

The daily writes that this is "yet another in a series of confirmations that investigators had received about the movements of the man from Interpol's red arrest warrant".

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