Special detention unit chief suspended

The penitentiary administration has suspended the chief of the Belgrade District Prison special detention unit, Dejan Bošnjaković.

Izvor: FoNet

Tuesday, 25.08.2009.


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The penitentiary administration has suspended the chief of the Belgrade District Prison special detention unit, Dejan Bosnjakovic. The Justice Ministry confirmed that he had been suspended, and that charges will be filed against him for a long list of abuses of office. Special detention unit chief suspended Daily Politika writes that Bosnjakovic was suspended because he was enabling prisoners to have comforts outside of the prison regulations, when it comes to receiving packages and visits. According to the newspaper's unofficial information, Administration for the Execution of Penitentiary Sanctions used operative information to launch monitoring of Bosnjakovic's work for several months. After gathering information and evidence against him, he was suspended. A disciplinary procedure has now begun, and a final decision on his level of responsibility will be made by a court. Bosnjakovic has been the chief of this prison unit since November 2007, when he replaced Zeljko Kovacevic. Bosnjakovic’s suspension is the result of continued increased operative-preventive work in the prisons of Serbia, which began at the end of last year, reports said. The fact that he is the chief of the Special Detention Unit shows that the administration is serious about its intentions to fight corruption, according to Politika. The unit is located in the building of the Special Organized Crime Court, where serious offenders are being held, including war crimes, drugs and human trafficking indictees, and members of the so-called bankruptcy, customs and highway mafias, the daily writes.

Special detention unit chief suspended

Daily Politika writes that Bošnjaković was suspended because he was enabling prisoners to have comforts outside of the prison regulations, when it comes to receiving packages and visits.

According to the newspaper's unofficial information, Administration for the Execution of Penitentiary Sanctions used operative information to launch monitoring of Bošnjaković's work for several months.

After gathering information and evidence against him, he was suspended.

A disciplinary procedure has now begun, and a final decision on his level of responsibility will be made by a court.

Bošnjaković has been the chief of this prison unit since November 2007, when he replaced Željko Kovačević.

Bošnjaković’s suspension is the result of continued increased operative-preventive work in the prisons of Serbia, which began at the end of last year, reports said.

The fact that he is the chief of the Special Detention Unit shows that the administration is serious about its intentions to fight corruption, according to Politika.

The unit is located in the building of the Special Organized Crime Court, where serious offenders are being held, including war crimes, drugs and human trafficking indictees, and members of the so-called bankruptcy, customs and highway mafias, the daily writes.

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