Kosovo: Seven arrested to remain in jail

The seven-member group, arrested in Vučitrn last Sunday suspected of grand larceny, drug trafficking and organized crime, will remain in custody for 30 days.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 19.08.2009.


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The seven-member group, arrested in Vucitrn last Sunday suspected of grand larceny, drug trafficking and organized crime, will remain in custody for 30 days. This is according to reports in the Albanian language media in Pristina report today. Kosovo: Seven arrested to remain in jail Three persons from central Serbia, identified as E. Brnicanin, resident of Novi Pazar, N. Bojovic and D. Kadijevic, both from Belgrade, are among those arrested. The remaining four are from Kosovo, including A. Jelic, resident of Prizren, A. Imeri from Pristina, and H. Junuzi and A. Beka from Vucitrn. "This is a multiethnic group of organized crime wanted by a number of countries of the European Union, where some of them had been active," Koha Ditore daily quoted its sources as saying.

Kosovo: Seven arrested to remain in jail

Three persons from central Serbia, identified as E. Brničanin, resident of Novi Pazar, N. Bojović and D. Kadijević, both from Belgrade, are among those arrested.

The remaining four are from Kosovo, including A. Jelić, resident of Prizren, A. Imeri from Priština, and H. Junuzi and A. Beka from Vučitrn.

"This is a multiethnic group of organized crime wanted by a number of countries of the European Union, where some of them had been active," Koha Ditore daily quoted its sources as saying.

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