HACCP standard in Serbia

Over 70 Serbian companies have received certificates on food safety; 240 additional companies will follow suit by the end of the year.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Tuesday, 22.08.2006.


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HACCP standard in Serbia

“Since January 1 this year, the food safety standards have become binding in the EU and WTO markets”, Branislav Raketić, Ministry of Agriculture advisor explained. “The companies that have not been awarded these certificates cannot sell their products abroad, except to the countries outside the EU and WTO”.

This year the budget funds directed to the introduction of the food safety systems went up by 40 per cent and stand at 240 million dinars. The funds have been used mostly by the producers of alcohol and non-alcohol beverages (18 per cent), cold storage facilities (16 per cent), mill and baking industry (15 per cent), meat processing industry (10 per cent), while the rest of the money went to the ketchup, mustard and livestock feed producers.

The right to use the incentive funds is reserved for the companies, societies and entrepreneurs who are engage in producing and processing of agricultural products and foodstuffs.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) standard is based on seven principles controlling the production process at the most relevant points thus ensuring the complete safety in an efficient manner, covering the process from the field or farm, to the final product. Serbia plans to make HACCP standard certification obligatory in 2009.

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