2,100 Kosovo residents still missing

Serbia has to date handed over the bodies of 800 Albanians recovered from Perućac, Batajnica and Petrovo Selo mass graves.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 10.03.2007.


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2,100 Kosovo residents still missing

According to Gagić, 1,500 Kosovo Albanians and 600 Serbs remain listed as missing. Kosovo, not Belgrade, holds the key to finding out about their fate, he said.

“UNMIK mortuaries currently hold over 500 unidentified bodies. Who are those 500 unidentified persons? We do believe they are mostly Albanians, however, we are not ruling out the possibility that some of the persons we are looking for may be among them,” Gagić said.

Gagić also said that out of the 800 bodies recovered in Serbia, as many as 750 have been identified.

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