Greeks rally in support of Turkish protesters

Around a thousand Greek leftists on Monday marched in support of Turkish anti-government protesters.

Izvor: AFP

Tuesday, 04.06.2013.


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ATHENS Around a thousand Greek leftists on Monday marched in support of Turkish anti-government protesters. "Authoritarianism is broken on the street, solidarity with the Turkish people. From Taksim Square to Athens, we fight poverty and hunger," chanted the demonstrators from various leftist groups including the main opposition radical left Syriza party, AFP reported. Greeks rally in support of Turkish protesters The Athens demonstration included a small group of Kurdish refugees who held a banner in Greek and Turkish: "Overturn the regime". A similar protest had been held in the northern city of Thessaloniki on Sunday. The protests in Turkey started out as a local environment campaign and quickly turned into one of the biggest demonstrations against Erdogan's government since it came to power over a decade ago, the news agency reported. The protests in Athens on Monday (Beta/AP) AFP Tanjug

Greeks rally in support of Turkish protesters

The Athens demonstration included a small group of Kurdish refugees who held a banner in Greek and Turkish: "Overturn the regime".

A similar protest had been held in the northern city of Thessaloniki on Sunday.

The protests in Turkey started out as a local environment campaign and quickly turned into one of the biggest demonstrations against Erdogan's government since it came to power over a decade ago, the news agency reported.

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