New indictment against former RTS director

District Prosecution has issued a new indictment against former state television (RTS) director Dragoljub Milanović.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 08.05.2007.


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New indictment against former RTS director

According to the indictment, Milovanić bypassed the housing commission and ranking lists as he allotted apartments to RTS employees, through which he amassed EUR 470,000 in illegal profits.

Milanović is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence, as he was found guilty in 2002 of “ disobeying the federal government’s orders to evacuate the state television headquarters on Aberdareva Street in Belgrade.”

The building came under attack on April 23, 1999 during NATO bombing when as many as 16 state television employ lost their lives.

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