Wind turbines in Serbia
The price of fuel, especially of crude oil, is constantly rising, while resources deplete. Alternative energy sources gain in relevance.
Monday, 21.08.2006.

Wind turbines in Serbia
Due to the high price of electricity produced in this way, Serbia’s resources are not utilized. Rastislav Kragić of the Energy efficiency agency says there are 970 locations suitable for the placement of small power plants. “That number includes fewer than 100 plants that have already been constructed, most of them are in poor condition. Only about twenty are actually functional”, he said.Several projects have been started in Vojvodina with the goal of utilizing the wind power. Re-energy, a company involved in building wind turbines, plans to construct 11 in the next three years, worth 30 million euros. Veljko Janković, the company’s general manager, said a pilot project with 1,1 megawatt strength will be built first. “The turbine is 75 meters high and weighs 1 200 tons. It will service 1 200 households”, he said.
The first wind turbine in Inđija will be built in the village of Beška.
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