ICJ Kosovo case: Public hearing transcripts

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 08.12.2009.


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ICJ Kosovo case: Public hearing transcripts Available for download below is a PDF file containing the arguments made on Tuesday, Dec. 8, by the representatives of Russia, Spain, U.S., and Finland. The transcripts are provided verbatim, in English and French. B92 is publishing transcripts of the public hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), concerning the legality of the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo. B92 is publishing transcripts of the public hearing at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), concerning the legality of the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo.

ICJ Kosovo case: Public hearing transcripts

Available for download below is a PDF file containing the arguments made on Tuesday, Dec. 8, by the representatives of Russia, Spain, U.S., and Finland.

The transcripts are provided verbatim, in English and French.

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Portparol Kremlja Dimitrij Peskov izjavio je da američki dolar počinje da gubi na privlačnosti nakon što je novoizabrani predsednik SAD Donald Tramp upozorio da će uvesti carine od 100 odsto na svu robu iz zemalja BRIKS-a ako zamene američku valutu u trgovini.



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